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    > Ghinzu
      > High voltage queen (The reign of)
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Nombre de Paroles : 830
Inscrit le : 30/10/2004

I was checking out the Ritz hotel, in the middle of a Paris afternoon
My baby nude, my baby sweet, my baby got a perfect ass
Electric lips on endless legs, chaotic fury on breathless heels
My baby goddess is the reign of high voltage queens

A kamikaze body that blows up sex in your dream
Satan's daughter kills with the perfume of her moves
As she walks through the lobby turning man's eyes into steam
The lady is nude, damn! The model is real.

She turns me on, she turns you on. She turns every single fucking life form on
She doesn't care of your control. She doesn't give a fuck of your smart rock'n roll
You wanna try? Try me and die? Give me some love. Yes show me what you've got
I've got it all. When nothing hides. I wanna try
And while her chest so synchronized with the flying of her mane
She keeps going her machine-gunning with her style... a hurricane
Now let them shake and shake for me and shake it yes, yes shake it only

My baby nude, my baby streaks, my baby with her perfect ass
She turns me on, she turns you on. She turns every single fucking life form on
She doesn't care of your control. She doesn't give a fuck of your smart silicon

You wanna try? Try me and die? Give me some love
And then show me what you've got. You've got it all. When nothing hides
You want it all

You wanna try? You just wanna try? Try me and die? You want it all
Then show me first what you've got. Bring me your lust. Give me your sins
Forget it all. Now show me please what you've got. You are the one
That's why I whisper your name. Don't run away
Just show me now what you've got. If you are real. You've got it all

Over the night. She's watching my fall. Live on a mud lane
She's gotta make me some.

Tchimmy! niyark Tchimmy!
"le coeur a ses raisons que la raison ignore"
"La vie est un éternel entonnoir qui retrecit..."

Deux citations de Mama:
"je vais te mettre par derrière" et "je ne suis pas du jambon"

pour le coup, "that's what she said!"

"C'est que je t'aime de toute mon âme, et plus que ma vie même, ô serpent d'or merveilleux! C'est qu'il m'est impossible de vivre sans toi et que je me consume de désespoir si je ne te revoie pas, si tu n'es pas à moi comme ma bien-aimée. Mais, je le sais, tu m'appartiendras, et alors s'accompliront les promesses de l'ineffable au-delà que j'ai rêvé." Hoffmann, Le Vase d'or (in "Contes")
14/05/2005 12:43
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