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    > Slipknot
      > Wait and bleed
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Nombre de Paroles : 830
Inscrit le : 30/10/2004

I've felt the hate rise up in me...
Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves...
I wander over where you can't see...
Inside my shell, I wait and bleed...


I wipe it off on tile, the light is brighter this time
Everything is 3D blasphemy
My eyes are red and gold, the hair is standing straight up
This is not the way I pictured me
I can't control my shakes
How the hell did I get here?
Something about this, so very wrong...
I have to laugh out loud, I wish I didn't like this
Is it a dream or a memory?

I've felt the hate rise up in me...
Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves...
I wander over where you can't see...
Inside my shell, I wait and bleed...

Get outta my head cuz I don't need this
Why I didn't I see this?
I'm a victim - Manchurian candidate
I have sinned by just
Makin' my mind up and takin' your breath away

I've felt the hate rise up in me...
Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves...
I wander over where you can't see...
Inside my shell, I wait and bleed...


You haven't learned a thing
I haven't changed a thing
My flesh was in my bones
The pain was always free

I've felt the hate rise up in me...
Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves...
I wander out where you can't see...
Inside my shell, I wait and bleed...

And it waits for you!

Tchimmy! niyark Tchimmy!
"le coeur a ses raisons que la raison ignore"
"La vie est un éternel entonnoir qui retrecit..."

Deux citations de Mama:
"je vais te mettre par derrière" et "je ne suis pas du jambon"

pour le coup, "that's what she said!"

"C'est que je t'aime de toute mon âme, et plus que ma vie même, ô serpent d'or merveilleux! C'est qu'il m'est impossible de vivre sans toi et que je me consume de désespoir si je ne te revoie pas, si tu n'es pas à moi comme ma bien-aimée. Mais, je le sais, tu m'appartiendras, et alors s'accompliront les promesses de l'ineffable au-delà que j'ai rêvé." Hoffmann, Le Vase d'or (in "Contes")
14/08/2005 14:14
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